Dynamic Demand 2.0 is a new platform created by Open Energi, a London-based company that uses artificial intelligence to manage and help reduce the cost of power consumption for both the consumer and the provider.
The new version of Dynamic Demand is pretty advanced in what it can offer. It has the ability to connect on-site generation, battery storage, electric vehicles, and industrial equipment before combining their energy capacities.
The platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to manage assets and is “a significant step towards a self-balancing grid”.
David Hill is Open Energi’s commercial director and he believes the platform’s design gives consumers greater control over their energy demands.
“It is now possible to measure and monitor machine behaviour at such a granular level that we can identify invisible flexibility in the way we consume power.”
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Heating, cooling, and pumping are all industrial processes that have inherent energy storage. Combining this with EV charging, battery storage, and on-site generation, companies can come off-grid completely at certain oin ts on the day with absolutely no harm to the business.
With AI platforms such as Dynamic Demand 2.0 in operation, it puts within reach energy markets where all of the power produced is done so via renewable energy sources.
The first commercial customer to try out Open Energi’s AI platform is Aggregate Industries. Along with the company’s supplier, Orsted (formally DONG energy), the trio will work together to stack revenue streams from various real-time demand side response services.
“Dynamic Demand 2.0 offers us greater control and visibility of our energy demand, helping us to save energy, cut costs and play a more active role in creating a sustainable energy future,” says Donna Hunt, head of sustainability at Aggregate Industries. “The more businesses and industries that collectively manage their demand in this way, the more impactful we can be.”
Open Energi has been around since 2011, working hard to “radically reduce the cost of delivering and consuming power”.” Using its advanced AI techniques the company’s platform has connected over 3,500 assets across 400 sites, delivering innovative solutions that allow its customers to take control over when and how they consume electricity.
Source Clean Energy News