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Mitsubishi UFJ to Create a Dedicated AI Unit

New technologies like artificial intelligence have undeniably taken over the world by storm. In...

Combining AI and VR could Revolutionize Risk Management

Based on the past two decades, virtual reality has been the type of technology...

RiskGenius Plans to Use Machine Learning in Organizing Insurance Claims

In the recent years, the insurance industry has become increasingly digital as its dependence...

UK’s Metro Bank Launching AI that Helps you Spend Wisely

In spite of having massive volumes of data relating to your movements, spending habits,...

Call for an AI Powered Pension Dashboard

Dunstan Thomas, a technology firm, recently called for the creation of an artificial intelligence-powered...

Why Banks are Investing Heavily in AI to Gain a Competitive Edge

The buzz surrounding the meteoric rise of cryptocurrency is undeniable. For instance, the sudden...

Machine Learning and AI are Underutilized in the Financial Services

Financial service entities are suited to use advanced analytics for external and internal benefits,...

HSBC Implements AI for Tracking Money Laundering

HSBC recently began utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technology from Quantexa, a big-data startup, to...

VC Fund Invests $21M Investment in AI Driven Free Stock Trading Startup

DriveWealth, a New Jersey-based startup known for building technology in a bid to promote...

Retail Surpasses Banking as Main Driver of AI Investment

With numerous industries investing heavily in AI/cognitive-based projects, the global spending on artificial intelligence...


Top 25 AI Software for the Banking Industry

AI software is a major growth industry. Tractica predicts that by 2025 it will be worth $118.6 billion dollars. This growth is largely being driven...

Data Science – 8 Powerful Applications

Data science is one of the most exciting emerging fields. As we will see throughout the course of this article it is increasingly becoming an...

10 Powerful Applications of AI in Retail

As we can see from its current applications, the potential uses for artificial intelligence in retail are endless. Artificial intelligence in retail has become a...

10 Applications of Machine Learning in Oil & Gas

The modern business world is becoming increasingly technology-driven. Many areas, such as healthcare, have been quick to realise the possibilities. AI and machine learning...

Top 10 Applications of AI in Law

As new technologies continue to develop and evolve they are increasingly impacting other areas and professions. The role of artificial intelligence in law is...

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine – Top 10 Applications

Our ability to find ways to heal our bodies dates back to the stone age, we found many solutions in nature, but in order...