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BBVA Teams up with MIT to Enhanced Machine Learning in Fraud Detection

For several years now, banking institutions have been relying on machine learning methods for...

How Munich Re uses AI to Minimize Risk from Global Disasters

Technology has proven to be highly useful when it is used in solving big...

How OakNorth is Using AI to Address SMB Lending

Small enterprises appear to be left behind by banking institutions. Stringent capital and risk requirements...

Commerzbank Introduces Machine Learning for Trade Finance Compliance

Commerzbank recently collaborated with fintech company Conpend in automating certain compliance pre-checks processes designed...

The Big Problems with Machine Learning Algorithms in Finance

Machine learning is allowing investors to leverage massive amounts of data sets including social...

Thomson Reuters and Squirro Partner for AI Solution

Thomson Reuters recently made headlines due to its collaboration with Squirro, an augmented intelligence...

AI in Banking – A Look at the Top 5 Banks in the US

As technology giants increasingly dominate the limelight as far as cutting-edge technology is concerned,...

Asset Manager Amundi Unveils AI Focused ETF

Recently, Amundi released the Amundi Stoxx Global Artificial Intelligence UCITS ETF, an AI tracking...

UK’s Largest AI Banking Startup Valued at $2.3bn

Recently, a rapidly-growing digital lender to small enterprises got valued at $2.3 billion after...

ANZ Bank Leverages Neural Networks to Avoid Dangers of Deep Learning

ANZ bank has discovered a better way of predicting which of its clients would...


Top 25 AI Software for the Banking Industry

AI software is a major growth industry. Tractica predicts that by 2025 it will be worth $118.6 billion dollars. This growth is largely being driven...

Data Science – 8 Powerful Applications

Data science is one of the most exciting emerging fields. As we will see throughout the course of this article it is increasingly becoming an...

10 Powerful Applications of AI in Retail

As we can see from its current applications, the potential uses for artificial intelligence in retail are endless. Artificial intelligence in retail has become a...

10 Applications of Machine Learning in Oil & Gas

The modern business world is becoming increasingly technology-driven. Many areas, such as healthcare, have been quick to realise the possibilities. AI and machine learning...

Top 10 Applications of AI in Law

As new technologies continue to develop and evolve they are increasingly impacting other areas and professions. The role of artificial intelligence in law is...

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine – Top 10 Applications

Our ability to find ways to heal our bodies dates back to the stone age, we found many solutions in nature, but in order...