KC Cheung

KC Cheung has over 18 years experience in the technology industry including media, payments, and software and has a keen interest in artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks and its applications in business. Over the years he has worked with some of the leading technology companies, building and growing dynamic teams in a fast moving international environment.


Retail Industry Being Transformed by AI

The world of retails as we know it is transforming right in front of our very eyes thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). However, not all...

Financial Services can Save Billions by using Chatbots and AI

Chatbots seem to be the new norm in the banking sector. Although it has been easy for technologically inclined companies to enlarge their customer base through...

AI and Big Data is Revolutionising Online Lending

The continuous growth of digital lending has resulted in companies looking for the means to increase the profitability of their services. Big Data and Artificial...

How Burberry is Redefining Retail with AI And Big Data

Burberry is a leader in the fashion industry with its luxury clothes lines offered around the world. With the threat of online retail, the company decided...

AI Drug Development Method Enables Rapid Progress

Collaboration between Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited has been announced that hopes to uncover new life-saving treatments at scale more safely, quickly, and...