Deloitte Canada Suggests That Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Will be in its Prime by 2020.
The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is growing exponentially, particularly when it comes to machine learning (ML).
According to Deloitte Canada, the number of AI and ML projects to evolve over the next couple of years will be quite substantial. It also suggests that by 2020, the world of AI and ML will be in its prime.
“Machine learning technology is going prime time by 2020,” says Deloitte Canada’s director of technology, media, and telecommunications, Duncan Stewart. “Between 2009 and 2017, there were some challenges when it came to wide-scale adoption. But there’s going to be an elimination of barriers in 2018.”
There are various factors that will make both AI and ML more accessible this year, but five stand out more than the rest according to Stewart. They are:
Chip upgrades
Local machine learning
Added transparency
Data reduction
Field programmable gate array (FPGA) and application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips will also be accelerated this year.
“These chips have been around for years but the use for accelerated machine learning is new. The two tend to be cheaper and use significantly less power than GPU’s, so for certain applications they are capable of, literally, according to people involved in machine learning, to do the same workload at one-tenth the power consumption the previous technology did,” says Stewart.
New regulations are soon to come into place in Canada for any companies that process data of European Union (EU) residents.
“When I have a machine learning program that diagnoses cancer, recommends a specific treatment of chemotherapy or approves or doesn’t approve a loan, I need to be able to say why it made that specific recommendation,” Stewart explains.
“There are now technologies that in some cases can interpret the way machine learning works.”
Augmented reality is another are that’s accelerating and stretching out to various areas. No longer will it be used just to make games, but it will be used to enhance tech support services and instruction manuals as well as other areas.
“AR is yet another feature on our all-powerful swiss army knife of smartphones and it’s not going to replace existing office productivity technology like computers,” advises Stewart.
However, the company does estimate that more than a billion smart phone users will develop some form of AR content at least once in the forthcoming year.
Source ITBusiness