Home Healthcare 7 Key Applications of AI in Pharmaceuticals

7 Key Applications of AI in Pharmaceuticals

7 Key Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceuticals
Images: Flickr Unsplash Pixabay

One area that artificial intelligence (AI) has excelled itself is in the healthcare industry, and experts expect that trend to continue.

There are so many benefits that AI bring to this industry.

Here are just a few of them:

1. Personalized treatments

AI can be used to help create more personalized, targeted treatments for patients through the use of predictive analytics.

By looking at a person’s past medical results, history, and current data, AI algorithms can develop a treatment plan that’s optimized based on this information.

It could then be streamed directly to the patient’s doctor for further analysis and for easy tracking.

READ MORE: How Machine Learning is Shaping Precision Medicine

2. Protection against epidemic outbreaks

When it comes to preventing epidemics, AI can be used to monitor the current situation as well as predict the possibility of future outbreaks. One such software that’s been developed for this purpose is called ProMED-mail.

SEE MORE: Top 10 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Healthcare

3. Imaging and radiology

Soon, automated algorithms will work alongside radiologists reading thousands of imaging data per minute.

This will cut down the workload for radiologists significantly and allow them to concentrate on more pressing matters.

4. Drug Discovery

Using AI to screen possible drugs has now become an essential part of drug development. One institution that’s hot on this at the moment is MIT.

Under its Clinical Machine Learning Group its developed a precision medicine research system that is capable of creating algorithms that offer personal treatment solutions for those suffering from Type 2 diabetes.

SEE MORE: Pharma Giant Merck Signs Deal to Utilize AI for Drug Discovery

5. Digital Health Records

AI enables health records to be stored digitally for ease of access and smooth transferability. Health care providers can also use ML handwriting recognition technology to help speed up the transferring of data onto systems.

6. Clinical trial research

Using advanced predictive analytics, AI can be used in clinical research to gather a wider range of data compared to traditional methods.

This includes information retrieved from doctor’s visits, social media activity, and genetic information.

AI can also be used alongside machine learning (ML) to be able to monitor patients remotely.

SEE MORE: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine –  Top 10 Applications

7. Cyclone prediction

While this isn’t directly related to healthcare, it is worth mentioning. When a cyclone hits, those living in coastal areas are the most severely affected.

Lives are lost, towns are destroyed, and epidemics begin to spread, adding to the devastation.

Using AI to predict when cyclones are likely to occur gives those who will be hit the worst a chance to take the necessary precautions.

Source Netans