Home Technology 5 IT Jobs that AI will Take Over

5 IT Jobs that AI will Take Over

5 IT Jobs that Artificial Intelligence will Take Over
Image: Flickr Unsplash

Although that might sound like quite a frightening prospect, it really doesn’t have to be. While there is no doubt artificial intelligence (AI) will replace the roles of humans in some workplace scenarios, it certainly won’t be all of them. And, even if your particular role is at risk of being taken over by AI, this simply means you’ll become free to another equally exciting role.

The more AI that we introduce into the world, the more people we need to maintain and control it. “While automation will eliminate very few occupations entirely in the next decade, it will affect portions of almost all jobs to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the type of work they entail,” says say researchers at McKinsey.

“Ultimately, AI and humans will differentiate themselves from each other. AI is the most successful in addressing problems that are reasonably well-defined and narrow in scope, whereas humans excel at defining problems that need to be solved and at solving complex problems,” says vice president and Gartner fellow, Stephen Prentice.

“AI will eventually replace many routine functions of the IT organization, particularly on the operations side,” Prentice commented. So who will be the first to go? The following are some of the most likely IT roles to be taken over by AI in the near future:

1.Data analysts

Because of big data, the need for data analysts is greater than ever. The problem is demand is higher than supply and for that reason, companies are turning to AI for help.

2. Storage administrator

These guys handle the everyday maintenance tasks that are associated with storage hardware. They ensure all data is being backed up on time while monitoring the hardware’s performance and resolving space shortages as they go along. The problem is that most of what they do can be automated using AI.

3. Network administrator

The role of the network administrator involves organizing networks to ensure users are getting the best level of service possible. However, experts suggest that in the near future networks will need AI capabilities just to keep up with all the other advances in technology that’s going on.

4. Software developer

The role of the software developer has been in high demand for a long time now. Unfortunately, that’s pushed organisations into creating tools that allow others to develop their own applications. There are already teams experimenting with AI that can teach itself to code.

5. Helpdesk specialist

Various companies including Facebook, IBM, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft have introduced chatbots to their businesses to help with customer service support.

Source InformationWeek